Welcome to the YOFFO! Blog! This blog is to go along with the YOFFO! podcast! Check back here everyday for updates from Briley Style and Suave Bolo!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Want to hear the original broadcast of :"War of the Worlds"

There will be a replay of War of the Worlds tonight at 11:45 pm EST on YOFFO! Radio!
Click the link to the right under Links and open the file using itunes or winamp
or search "yoffo" on shoutcast.com
if you are having problems playing it go to
shoutcast.com and they will tell you how to make it work

then stay tuned there is more Halloween fun!


YOFFO! Radio will be back on the air or I guess online at 9:30 Eastern Standard Time with great stuff!
YOFFO! Podcast Episode 9 - Never Before Heard
War of the Worlds - Original Broadcast
And tons of other great stuff
So get a drink
or 10 and listen in all night
To listen click the YOFFO! Radio link to the right, or go to www.shoutcast.com and search YOFFO!
If you have any problem again go to shoutcast.com they will tell you how to git r done
Peace out everyone
Happy Halloween

Robin from the Real World Nekkid

I really thought these were going to be hotter.
But not Really
I am also sorry for posting "porn" hahaha
Didn't think I would do that did you?
Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 30, 2006

YOFFO! Online Radio is Here!

Well, well, well. It is HERE! YOFFO! Radio! I am going to tell you how to listen before I describe what you will be listening to.
1.) You are going to need either iTunes or Winamp.
2.) Click the YOFFO! Radio link in the links section or on this post
3.) A Thingy(very technical term) will pop up asking you to do something the pls file and what program you want to open it with, find either itunes or winamp and press open.
4.) when the program opens it should connect and you are golden

One other thing, the station will only be online if I have everything up on my computer, which I will have it up most of the time
Another thing, there is a limit of maybe like 35 people, so if there is 35 people listening then you will have to wait, I think that has something to do with bandwidth ya'll.

Hopefully everything works out well

What is on YOFFO! Radio?
a)YOFFO! Podcasts (both released and unreleased episodes!)
b) Music (from people we know and popular artists that I like haha)
c) MISC (who knows)

Anyways check it out!

Coming Soon YOFFO! Online Radio!

What's up people. I am going to be setting up an online stream radio station thingy. There will be some good tunes, YOFFO! exclusives, and podcasts.
Good stuff.
So it should be up soon.
Unless, well, I get bored, or can't figure it out.
I'll keep you all updated.

Beck - Harmonium Master - Nobody's Fault

It was around this time four years ago I went to one of my top 6 concerts. Beck/Flaming Lips. Indianapolis. Wow. Here is a performance from Beck around the same time in Austin, on the show "Austin City Limits" It is beautiful. I hope you enjoy this.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Scary Halloween!!!

Carved a scary but awesome pumpkin tonight!!!

Masked bolo rides again!!!

Great Offensive Costume Article!

When Elaine Raines grew up in the 1950s, Halloween costumes consisted of ghost costumes cobbled together from sheets and pillowcases and scarecrows formed from flannel, hay and straw hats. Popular costumes for guys were Mickey Mouse, Popeye and Frankenstein. She says she never had a store bought costume and had to rely on whatever was around the house.

"It was whatever you could make up at home," she says. "You really just had to make your own. You had to use your imagination."

Raines says Halloween has become a much bigger, commercialized holiday since she was a kid, and the most notable boom is in the costume.

Ghosts and scarecrow costumes have been replaced with skimpy costumes for the ladies and offensive costumes for the gents. Steve Irwin with a stingray, a depiction of the twin towers burning and Michael Jackson coupled with a young boy in footie pajamas are just a few seen, heard of or planned for this year.

Bloomington stores sell mildly offensive costumes such as a pregnant nurse, a priest with a hard-on and a flasher. But to put together a really offensive, in-your-face, jaw dropping costume, you'll have to make your own. John McGuire, owner of Campus Costume, says traditional costumes like pirates are huge this year, but if you look around, the current trend is for guys to dress like a current controversial or funny character from pop culture and for girls to dress scandalously. But McGuire says it's mostly men who try to be offensive.

"It's mainly the guys' costumes that are," McGuire says. "The ones that like to make people laugh and offend people."

The most offensive costume McGuire has seen is called "Country Loving." It consists of flannel pajamas and an inflatable sheep attached to the front so it looks as though the farmer is having intercourse with a sheep. Though some may consider it offensive, he says he is not easily offended by costumes. There are a number of controversial costumes -- from the streaker to a couple costume "nut and bolt" that fit together to simulate sex -- but many of the boldest costumes are not for sale.

Senior Jason Boyd says the most offensive costumes he's seen have been online.

"The funniest one was a paper mache twin towers," he says. "The towers were on fire, with a toy airplane attached. It had action figures hanging off with strings, so it looked like they were falling out of the building."

When told of the costume, senior Sher Lewin was taken aback, and her jaw dropped.

"I don't think people should dress up like tragedies," she says.

Boyd admits to being a big fan of controversial jokes and costumes, and is really trying to push the envelope this year.

"I feel like everyone's going to go as Steve Irwin," Boyd says. "I think it would be funny to be Steve Irwin alive and have your friend be a sting ray and attack you during a party."

Like all fashion choices, wearing an offensive costume has its drawbacks. If you have a mullet, you probably won't get laid outside of Bedford, and if you dress up like a flasher, you could end up haunting a little girl forever.

"When I was 10, I went to visit my sister in college at Florida and was out to dinner with my parents," senior Justine Menter says. "Some guy with a trench coat was running around. When he opened his jacket, it triggered a plastic penis to raise. It really freaked me out. I tried to pretend like it didn't bother me, but I was really traumatized."

While guys have the option of streaker, Ron Jeremy, or a costume the Bloomington store Halloween calls "Super Stud," the sexy costumes are usually left up to women.

Some students think the only thing more overused than a "bringing sexy back" joke is a sexy "insert job here" costume on a girl. Sexy fire fighter, nurse, angel, intern, etc.

Sophomore Samantha Hornstock says the scantily clad costume is so commonplace that you can't get called out for it.

"It's the one day of the year that it's acceptable to dress really provocative, and no one will call you a slut," she says, paraphrasing "Mean Girls."

Lewin says she was used to the slut costume as well, and wondered what happened to the classic costumes.

"I always see girls dressing in really slutty versions of every profession," she says. "Nobody dresses really Halloweenie anymore - like witches and stuff."

Variations on the slutty costume get great responses if they're clever. The morning after girl with messed up hair and smeared make-up with a condom wrapper in the pocket of a collared shirt is a popular variation.

Lewin says she saw a girl dressed as a groupie wearing a T-shirt that says "I fucked Mick Jagger" with condoms for jewelry and a "cute little mini skirt." She says the costume really stuck out in her memory three years later.

Two IU seniors are trying to come up with the ultimate wholesome costume. But they may succumb to peer pressure as Halloween gets closer.

"Me and my roommate are thinking of going as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln this year," senior Candice Levy says. "Everyone dresses slutty, so we figured we would do the exact opposite. Well, maybe we'll be a slutty Abe Lincoln and George Washington. You know like with a corset and wigs and stuff? I don't know. We'll see what happens."

As girls try to break the downward revealing costume spiral before we're dealing with a Rose McGowan ass-baring costume, guys will likely continue wearing the most current, controversial pop culture costume.

"The guys get into it more now than back when I was growing up," Raines says. "A lot of the girls aren't wearing much of anything. I hope the girls get more material. They can't get any skimpier than what they are now."

-Indiana Daily Student

Friday, October 27, 2006

Congrats Cardinals!

I am not a real big fan of baseball but since August I have been a fan of the St. Louis Cardinals. I really thought they had no shot in the playoffs but damn they were awesome all the way through and now they are the world series champs! It is a time of celebration everyone. As Robert Goulet would say "Danka Donka Danka Donka someone's calling you CARDS". Thank God baseball is over now we can concentrate on real sport like college football, pro football, and college basketball.
-briley style

South Park+Steve Irwin=Croc of Awesome

Thursday, October 26, 2006


I haven't posted on this gosh darn bloggity bloggish internet thang because I couldn't find the correct address. I went here and it kept just saying smile, and I was like "smile! what the hell am I smiling about there's not one ounce of awesomeness or partying on this blog!"

So I left, anywho... I figured it out and I'm back. Styles was right about Mariah. I'd like to add that she was soooo 1996.

Kurt Cobain should've had a much hotter wife for how cool he was, and better clothes. They could've been all tattered and grungy but after nevermind he should only had dolce and gabbana or helmut lang or some shit like that

I got a blackberry pearl, traded a PSP for it. I was sick of the sandwich of my Sidekick2.
Anyways, it rocks so far...only beef was the native IM client blows donkey balls so I had to download one called RAMBLE which does quite well except it doesn't have any audible or noticeable indication of a new message. Oh well!

I was walkin around Nolita/SoHo the other weekend and happened to see a very peculiar bum. I don't want to call him a bum because he accepted Credit Cards for donations by all means but he was a bum. His name is Metal Mike... if you mention him at Supreme or Nom De Guerre apparently you get a 10% discount. I haven't tried...Anyways he has a credit card swipe in his bag, pretty bizarre. I told him all I had was a couple hundred frequent flyer miles...

I'll try and post more awesome stuff. We'll have podcasts rockin again soon there's some great stuff being unearthed. Who knows what happened to the record. I think the tapes were abducted and held hostage in Venezuelia and possibly traded for conflict diamonds and sacrificial babies. That's unconfirmed because we don't speak Elephant.

Till then, keep it greasy so it'll go down easy!

Mariah Carey+Hong Kong=Awesome

Well that dirty ho Mariah Carey was going to play a "big" show in Hong Kong this weekend, but, it was canceled due to poor ticket sales and unreasonable demands.
That is hilarious, when is she going to realize she is no longer a celebrity? She is now a b-lister getting close to the c-list. Evidently only 4,000 tickets were sold despite a huge advertising campaign. No details are in yet about the unreasonable demands. Anyways, fuck you Mariah, go away!
-briley style

700 Club - Pure Comedy

Before I leave everyday I love flipping through the channels seeing if something interesting is on. Once in a while I stop on the show 700 Club. For those of you who are unfamiliar, this is a Christian program, for people who base their life around Christ, haha. The funniest thing about this show is when they do the news from this country and around the world. They have a news man telling the stories but after each story they go to Pat Robertson, who is a crazy 70 some year old radical Christian so he can give his opinion on the story, which in my opinion is hilarious.
Haha Religion, haha christianity
- briley style

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Kurt Cobain - Mr. Dead Moneybags

"Kurt Cobain is highest earning dead celebrity

Nirvana star made fortune last year

Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain was the highest earning dead celebrity last year.

The grunge icon's earnings amounted to $50 million between October 2005 and October 2006.

He topped the list published by business website Forbes.com.

Elvis Presley came in at Number Two with $42 million, down from last year's $45 million.

It was Cobain's first time on the list in its six years of publication, reports CNN.

His top ranking is due to his widow Courtney Love selling a 25 per cent stake in the star's song catalogue to New York music publishing company PrimeWave.

John Lennon came fourth on the list with earnings of $24 million.

The Top Five of the morbid list looks like this:

1. Kurt Cobain
2. Elvis Presley
3. Charles Schulz
4. John Lennon
5. Albert Einstein"


Monday, October 23, 2006

You Go Weird Al

Well Ladies and Gentlemen, Weird Al has finally got himself a Billboard top 10 album! He has been putting out albums since the early 80's and his 12th is #10. I wish I could remember the name of it, or his album in the 80's that made it to #12. I just don't want to do any research right now, there is football on haha.
Happy Monday!
-Briley Style

Friday, October 20, 2006

Thom Yorke Solo

We are all missing Radiohead. Here are some Thom Yorke Solo Performances.

This is Thom performing an unreleased, long lost song "Last Flowers Til The Hospital"

"I Will"



"Cymball Rush" - feat. Jonny Greenwood, Nigel Godrich

"True Love Waits" - This was at my first Radiohead show, it blew me away, and was one of the best nights of my entire life.

Okay, have a good weekend everyone!

Radiohead - Madness of King

Radiohead is back at it!
Finally, and I mean FINALLY updating their front page of radiohead.com and their deadairspace photo blog.
Thank God haha.

Radiohead have now been in the studio for the last four weeks. Evidently everything is going great. Hopefully things will continue to go well and they can finish up recording in the next couple of months. I am really needing to hear some new Radiohead studio tracks! Hopefully we will get some more updates through the next few weeks. For now, we will just have to wait, and Thom Yorke will continue to ride his bike.

Cartman as Dog The Bounty Hunter!

It may have been because I was really drunk when I watched this episode last night, but I think this is one of the funniest things I have seen in quite a while!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Dirty Bombs in 7 NFL Stadiums?

Evidently there was a threat put out by a popular terrorist that this weekend terrorists will "dirty bomb" seven NFL stadiums. That would be terrible because I am doing fairly well in fantasy football. Terrorist Bastards! haha
-briley style

Monday, October 16, 2006

Go Hoosiers! IU Beats #14 Iowa!

Suave and I couldn't be happier about the incredible victory saturday!


Friday, October 13, 2006

The New War on Terror?

Well our wonderful government has done it again! We have a new enemy on the war on terror. North Korea? Iran? No, online gambling sites. According to our president, online gambling sites are nothing more than fronts for money launders from third world countries, who give their profits to terrorist organizations. Wonderful, watch out pokerstars.net or whatever your address is, our government is on to you. I hope you all have a wonderful Friday the 13th, I'm drunk, I hope you are too. Losers.
-Briley Style

The Weatherman

Suave and I were going to talk about meteorology and how much of it is just bullshit on the old podcast, but I am pretty sure we didn't. Anyways, normally I do not like Fox News, but they were bashing meteorology is so wrong most of the time. Their main argument was this year's hurricane season. The weather people predicted that there would be atleast two Katrinas. Well, not one hurrican has yet to hit the United States. They also predicted this would be a mild winter. The same day two feet of snow fell in upstate New York, and areas in the north. Now I know these are just predictions, and day to day weather is easy to predict, for the most part, even though, it seems to me that they really have no clue. So even though meteorology is important, it isn't THAT respectable hahaha. Sorry.
-Briley Style

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Many Faces of "Arpeggi" by Radiohead

Well, it looks like we will be waiting until next year to hear from Radiohead again, so here is the many faces of their new song "Arpeggi"

The Eldest

The Middle Child

The Lastest Version (and the best?)

Am I Gay?

I just watched a whole Tom Jones concert on Ovation. I did not once thing about changing the channel. Maybe I am just awesome, who knows. I will be back later with a proper post, that might be intereting to you Radiohead Fans, and fans of actual music.
-Briley Style

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Yoffo loves BAPE!!!

A Bathing Ape is a very limited and highly sought-after Japanese streetwear brand. They make some crazy clothes, well all the info you need about new releases and spotting fakes and buying some BAPE for yourself can be found here on BAPEtalk2
Register today!

Beck - The Information

Last Tuesday Beck released a new album entitled "The Information" which was produced by the genius Nigel Godrich. If I had to describe it I would say it sounds like "Odelay" and "Sea Change" mixed together.
I give it 8.5/10!
Go get it today!
-Briley Style

Monday, October 09, 2006

Dane Cook, The worst person in the world

As many people who know me, um, know, I hate Dane Cook more than anyone who performs "comedy." This fucker now has a new movie. What is it? I am not even going to mention it's title. I will go to my enemy Rolling Stone, to review this shit. Here they are:
"I laughed once or twice during this flat and fatuous farce, mainly because director and co-writer Greg Coolidge lifted a lot of it from Office Space. If you're going to steal jokes, why not steal good ones? I also forced a grin when Jessica Simpson, cast as a clerk at one of those stores where you buy things in bulk (think Costco), pulled back her hair extensions to reveal two deformed ears that made her look like a Vulcan bride for Mr. Spock. That's it for the good stuff. If anything, Simpson's acting has gotten worse since the craptacular Dukes of Hazzard. She seems dazed and confused through this whole slogging mess of a movie. Simpson plays Amy, the new hottie at the store. Better yet, she'll sleep with any guy who wins "Employee of the Month." Standup comic Dane Cook plays Zack, the box boy who's determined the take the prize from seventeen-time winner Vince (Dax Shepard). I'd tell you more, but that would just prolong the torture. There are people who think Cook is funny, but you won't find any evidence of that here."
PETER TRAVERS - Rolling Stone
I will obviously not see this movie. Shit, I won't see many movies in which I know I would like. The entertainment industry, an industry in which I work in, loves to rip the public off for their own gains. Gross...
Fuck, can someone just put Dane Cook out of OUR misery? haha...
Have a good week everyone, we are going to need it due to North Korea and Bush, the champ haha.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Somebody just put out a Documentary on YOFFO!


The first post

Welcome to the YOFFO blog. The Suave and I are now a couple thousand miles apart so this for right now is the only way we can give you day to day, or sometimes week to week updates. We will still be updating the podcast around once a month starting later this month because we have up to 4 more episodes in our bag haha. We are figuring out how to still do them even though we are so far apart but this will be a great way for you to still get YOFFOed almost everyday! Cheers, and who knows, I am partying, there may be another update in a few hours haha. Cheers!
-Briley Style