YOFFO! Online Radio is Here!
Well, well, well. It is HERE! YOFFO! Radio! I am going to tell you how to listen before I describe what you will be listening to.
1.) You are going to need either iTunes or Winamp.
2.) Click the YOFFO! Radio link in the links section or on this post
3.) A Thingy(very technical term) will pop up asking you to do something the pls file and what program you want to open it with, find either itunes or winamp and press open.
4.) when the program opens it should connect and you are golden
One other thing, the station will only be online if I have everything up on my computer, which I will have it up most of the time
Another thing, there is a limit of maybe like 35 people, so if there is 35 people listening then you will have to wait, I think that has something to do with bandwidth ya'll.
Hopefully everything works out well
What is on YOFFO! Radio?
a)YOFFO! Podcasts (both released and unreleased episodes!)
b) Music (from people we know and popular artists that I like haha)
c) MISC (who knows)
Anyways check it out!
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