Danny Devito Dewasted
Welcome to the YOFFO! Blog! This blog is to go along with the YOFFO! podcast! Check back here everyday for updates from Briley Style and Suave Bolo!
Well it is 75 in Austin right now but in an hour a huge storm is going to blow in and make it 30, and rainy, and terrible. If you are dealing with this shite weather then this link might help you
There has to be better ways of warming up your baby hahaha. Talk about a real like dead baby joke. A woman in Dayton, Ohio was charged today in the death of her month old baby. Crazy woman put her child in a microwave, and zapped that sucker. Sick lady.
Saw this on CNN.com today
- "Aaay" (Fonzie, "Happy Days")
- "And that's the way it is" (Walter Cronkite, "CBS Evening News")
- "Ask not what your country can do for you ..." (John F. Kennedy)
- "Baby, you're the greatest" (Jackie Gleason as Ralph Kramden, "The Honeymooners")
- "Bam!" (Emeril Lagasse, "Emeril Live")
- "Book 'em, Danno" (Steve McGarrett, "Hawaii Five-O")
- "Come on down!" (Johnny Olson, "The Price is Right")
- "Danger, Will Robinson" (Robot, "Lost in Space")
- "De plane! De plane!" (Tattoo, "Fantasy Island")
- "Denny Crane" (Denny Crane, "Boston Legal")
- "Do you believe in miracles?" (Al Michaels, 1980 Winter Olympics)
- "D'oh!" (Homer Simpson, "The Simpsons")
- "Don't make me angry ..." (David Banner, "The Incredible Hulk")
- "Dyn-o-mite" (J.J., "Good Times")
- "Elizabeth, I'm coming!" (Fred Sanford, "Sanford and Son")
- "Gee, Mrs. Cleaver ..." (Eddie Haskell, "Leave it to Beaver")
- "God'll get you for that" (Maude, "Maude")
- "Good grief" (Charlie Brown, "Peanuts" specials)
- "Good night, and good luck" (Edward R. Murrow, "See It Now")
- "Good night, John Boy" ("The Waltons")
- "Have you no sense of decency?" (Joseph Welch to Sen. McCarthy)
- "Heh heh" (Beavis and Butt-head, "Beavis and Butthead")
- "Here it is, your moment of Zen" ("The Daily Show")
- "Here's Johnny!" (Ed McMahon, "The Tonight Show")
- "Hey now!" (Hank Kingsley, "The Larry Sanders Show")
- "Hey HEY hey!" (Dwayne Nelson, "What's Happening!!")
- "Hey hey HEEY!" (Fat Albert, "Fat Albert")
- "Holy (whatever), Batman!" (Robin, "Batman")
- "Holy crap!" (Frank Barone, "Everybody Loves Raymond")
- "Homey don't play that!" (Homey the Clown, "In Living Color")
- "How sweet it is!" (Jackie Gleason, "The Jackie Gleason Show")
- "How you doin'?" (Joey Tribbiani, "Friends")
- "I can't believe I ate the whole thing" (Alka Seltzer ad)
- "I know nothing!" (Sgt. Schultz, "Hogan's Heroes")
- "I love it when a plan comes together" (Hannibal, "The A-Team")
- "I want my MTV!" (MTV ad)
- "I'm Larry, this is my brother Darryl ..." (Larry, "Newhart")
- "I'm not a crook ..." (Richard Nixon)
- "I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV" (Vicks Formula 44 ad)
- "I'm Rick James, bitch!" (Dave Chappelle as Rick James, "Chappelle's Show")
- "Is that your final answer?" (Regis Philbin, "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire")
- "It keeps going and going and going ..." (Energizer Batteries ad)
- "It takes a licking ..." (Timex ad)
- "Jane, you ignorant slut" (Dan Aykroyd to Jane Curtin, "Saturday Night Live")
- "Just one more thing ..." (Columbo, "Columbo")
- "Let's be careful out there" (Sgt. Esterhaus, "Hill Street Blues")
- "Let's get ready to rumble!" (Michael Buffer, various sports events)
- "Live long and prosper" (Spock, "Star Trek")
- "Makin' whoopie" (Bob Eubanks, "The Newlywed Game")
- "Mom always liked you best" (Tommy Smothers, "The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour")
- "Never assume ..." (Felix Unger, "The Odd Couple")
- "Nip it!" (Barney Fife, "The Andy Griffith Show")
- "No soup for you!" (The Soup Nazi, "Seinfeld")
- "Norm!" ("Cheers")
- "Now cut that out!" (Jack Benny, "The Jack Benny Program")
- "Oh, my God! They killed Kenny!" (Stan and Kyle, "South Park")
- "Oh, my nose!" (Marcia Brady, "The Brady Bunch")
- "One small step for man ..." (Neil Armstrong)
- "Pardon me, would you have any Grey Poupon?" (Grey Poupon ad)
- "Read my lips: No new taxes!" (George H.W. Bush)
- "Resistance is futile" (Picard as Borg, "Star Trek: The Next Generation")
- "Say good night, Gracie" (George Burns, "The Burns & Allen Show")
- "Schwing!" (Mike Myers and Dana Carvey as Wayne and Garth, "Saturday Night Live")
- "Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy" (Lloyd Bentsen to Dan Quayle)
- "Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids" (Trix cereal ad)
- "Smile, you're on 'Candid Camera' " ("Candid Camera")
- "Sock it to me" ("Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In")
- "Space, the final frontier ..." (Capt. Kirk, "Star Trek")
- "Stifle!" (Archie Bunker, "All in the Family")
- "Suit up!" (Barney Stinson, "How I Met Your Mother")
- "Tastes great! Less filling!" (Miller Lite beer ad)
- "Tell me what you don't like about yourself" (Dr. McNamara and Dr. Troy, "Nip/Tuck")
- "That's hot" (Paris Hilton, "The Simple Life")
- "The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat" (Jim McKay, "ABC's Wide World of Sports")
- "The tribe has spoken" (Jeff Probst, "Survivor")
- "The truth is out there" (Fox Mulder, "The X-Files")
- "This is the city ..." (Sgt. Joe Friday, "Dragnet")
- "Time to make the donuts" ("Dunkin' Donuts" ad)
- "Two thumbs up" (Siskel & Ebert, "Siskel & Ebert")
- "Up your nose with a rubber hose" (Vinnie Barbarino, "Welcome Back, Kotter")
- "We are two wild and crazy guys!" (Steve Martin and Dan Aykroyd as Czech playboys, "Saturday Night Live")
- "Welcome to the O.C., bitch" (Luke, "The O.C.")
- "Well, isn't that special?" (Dana Carvey as the Church Lady, "Saturday Night Live")
- "We've got a really big show!" (Ed Sullivan, "The Ed Sullivan Show")
- "Whassup?" (Budweiser ad)
- "What you see is what you get!" (Geraldine, "The Flip Wilson Show")
- "Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis?" (Arnold Drummond, "Diff'rent Strokes")
- "Where's the beef?" (Wendy's ad)
- "Who loves you, baby?" (Kojak, "Kojak")
- "Would you believe?" (Maxwell Smart, "Get Smart")
- "Yabba dabba do!" (Fred Flintstone, "The Flintstones")
- "Yada, yada, yada" ("Seinfeld")
- "Yeah, that's the ticket" (Jon Lovitz as the pathological liar, "Saturday Night Live")
- "You eeeediot!" (Ren, "Ren & Stimpy")
- "You look mahvelous!" (Billy Crystal as Fernando, "Saturday Night Live")
- "You rang?" (Lurch, "The Addams Family")
- "You're fired!" (Donald Trump, "The Apprentice")
- "You've got spunk ..." (Lou Grant, "The Mary Tyler Moore Show")
That's right 8 times during the next 24 hours we are playing Radiohead's last gig in amsterdam!!!! This was obviously there last gig of their 2006 Tour!!! Which mean's what? New Songs!!! Listen in now or when available!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay so here is what is going to be going down for the rest of the night on YOFFO! Radio. The feed will actually be going down for an hour and a half so I can record a Thanksgiving show for you all to listen to. After the show I will be choosing the songs in a live DJ Set for the following atleast couple of hours, maybe longer. So here is the official Schedule!
Well, once again I hope everyone is having a good day and I hope you are enjoying YOFFO! Radio. If you aren't listening in, then listen now.
Hope everyone is having a good thanksgiving. YOFFO! Radio is still up and running so listen in!
CHECK IT OUT!!!! Also watch for hourly and bihourly updates here as I drink myself into oblivion! haha I might also be doing some live DJing on YOFFO! Radio. I will also explain what's going down on yoffo radio when I wake up, sometime. Give it a listen!
Okay I have a lot of work to do to get YOFFO! Radio up for Thanksgiving for all of you to enjoy. Anyways I did go see the Tenacious D movie today and it was great! I think it really helps when you are a fan of Tenacious D. I have been into them since the HBO show so some of the scenes in the movie really make you laugh because they are familiar. If you aren't that familiar with Tenacious D then this movie will be funny but maybe not a classic. All in all I would give this film an 85/100. I think you all should see the movie, it is worth the money.
This makes me uncomfortable, which many things don't. I don't want to sound like a hippy or some left wing nut, but Michael Richards does go toooo far on this rant. This is what happened when a black heckler interupted his show. Yikes.
What's up everyone, I hope everyone has had a dreamy/awesome Saturday, Starting in about 2 minutes 2:15 AM EST and for the next atleast 8 hours I will be debuting a BRAND NEW Briley Style Radio Show (Podcast) on YOFFO! Radio. It is a 5 parter, and will be playing on loop for atleast the next 8 hours. Check it out ya'll!!! Click the YOFFO! Radio link to the right to listen in. Problems? Go to www.shoutcast.com to get your problems fixed!
Well the blaxploitation night was a huge success! Hope some of you got to hear it, great tunes. I just wanted to let you know what's going on for the next 11 hours. It is now 3am est, blaxploitation is going on for another about 45 minutes then the complete first season of the yoffo! podcasts, then the complete 6 episodes of briley style podcast, followed by a special edition of Chihookah, after all the casts I will be replaying everything which will go through tomorrow afternoon. LISTEN NOW!
Well I hope you all survived this election day. While you are thinking about the future of this place listen to some great, wonderful music! Blaxploitation at it's best! These artists are the best at what they do, and you will love it! Tune in now! Either click here or click the link to the right. If you are having troubles go to this link and they will help your dumb craker asses out!
Starting now (5 PM EST) There will be 10 Hours of Awesome party music. Tune in now!
Yo, YOFFO! Radio is up (of course) right now and I am doing atleast a 2 hour live DJ set full of all the music I am digging right now. Who knows what will happen I am even going to play shit I haven't heard yet just because! So Make sure you check out YOFFO! Radio right now. It's Friday night, party with your boy! Click here, or click the link to YOFFO! Radio in the links!
That's right people everyone's favorite band Queen. Listen to all their great songs on YOFFO! Radio. Listen Now! Click on the YOFFO! Radio link under the link section.
First things first I cannot believe I put the wrong hear in the subject line of the last post. Anyways I will be live DJing until 3AM EST, 2AM CENT, 1 AM MOUNT, 12AM WEST. I am drunk and loving it. Tune in! Click The YOFFO! RADIO! link to the right of this post in the Links Section or Click Here(Shout Cast) and Search YOFFO. If you are having any problems listening click here, they will help you out. It will be worth it. It's a party bitches, one last time, Happy Halloween!
What's good YOFFO! people? Briley Style here. I will be playing some of my favorite jams tonight in just about 20 minutes from 12:45 EST to 2:00 EST. Maybe longer who knows. Should be fun. Be sure to listen in! Either click the link to the right on this blog under the links section or go to Shout Cast! and search for YOFFO under the search section. If you are having troubles or whatevs go to Shout Cast and they can help you out! Check it Out Ya'll!