From The Basement!!! Check this out!

From The Basement is an independently produced music series that will feature the most intimate live performances from the finest musicians on the planet.
From The Basement sets a new standard for music TV production. The debut show is beautifully filmed in high-definition at Maida Vale studios in London with the live sound by producer Nigel Godrich. From The Basement has no host and no studio audience, instead the artist and their performance take centre stage.
The first episode is very special. From The Basement launches with Thom Yorke on the piano exclusively performing songs from the new Radiohead album, alongside incredible performances from The White Stripes and an improvised collaboration between Four Tet’s Kieran Hebden and genius drummer Steve Reid.
Reflecting From The Basement’s unique credentials, each episode’s performances will be available via download only, to allow repeated viewings. The first From The Basement will launch on iTunes and on the 18th December.
The second show will be available for download in February 2007. Register at for the latest news on forthcoming shows.
The trailer for the first show can be viewed at
Thom Yorke says: “From The Basement was exciting because it came from the desire to cut out the crap that lies between the music and the viewer. To get plugged straight into the mains. No producer director egos messing it up. The highlight for me was listening to Kieren and Steve Reid jamming as the tape started rolling.”
Jack White III remarks: “I don’t think a music program has recorded a performance on analog reel to reel in thirty years. It was beautifully filmed, and the sound quality makes a performance on a regular TV talk show sound like a wax cylinder recording. No host. Thank God.”
Kieran Hebden (aka Fourtet) says of the project: "Everything was done to capture the music in the best possible way, rather than just to make snappy TV. It's not a live gig, it’s something different – seeing musicians in a studio setting, not worrying about the audience. What a positive thing. Heavy analogue sounds, wonderfully filmed picture and a chance to see music performed in a way that is rarely seen."
Nigel Godrich of From The Basement comments: “I’m a sad fan trying to bring the magic back to music TV.”
Dilly Gent of From The Basement explains: “I just want to see artist’s doing what they do best...perform. Not being an incidental feature in some magazine show and not being forced into embarrassed conversation.”
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